Strategy Day
R&D 4.0
6 November 2024
14 Speakers
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R&D 4.0
Zürich 6. November 2024

Towards R&D 4.0 - Foundation for Digital Business Models

R&D with its active impact on value chains, portfolios and business models sets the foundation for corporate digitalization towards Industry 4.0. R&D 4.0 Strategy Day helps professionals to expand their knowledge about R&D transformation by highlighting successful corporate strategies, use cases and latest scientific insights in presentations and discussions. Additionally, we offer time and space for one-on-one and group networking, which attendees can schedule themselves by our networking app.

Let’s discuss success factors towards becoming an agile and customer-driven development organization!

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Interactive Networking Format

  • Best practices: Selected business cases and inspiring talks
  • Discussions: Opportunity to ask questions and for open discussion with the other conference members
  • Matchmaking: Interests and competencies of all attendees
  • Networking: Matched and pre-arranged one on one meetings
  • Access to Networking app “Cintona”
  • Possibility to join online via livestream 
  • Access to slides and video recordings of the sessions


  • Integrated and Agile R&D Transformation in a High-Tech Environment
  • Digital tools and AI in R&D
  • Big Data / Data Analytics in R&D
  • KPIs 
  • Transformation in R&D Execution and Cultural Change
  • Cost and Value Management in R&D
  • Agile Transformation and Portfolio Management
  • Concepts for Connectivity and Usability
  • Structured Development Approach
  • Preparing Organisation, Competencies and Staff to the Digital Age
  • Patterns and Perspectives on Product Engineering Efficiency in the Age of Digitalization
  • Transition towards Customer Centricity 
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