Edwige Fiaclou, Swissquote Bank

Head Tech Talent & Methodology Software Engineering Tech Drive & Talent

Edwige Fiaclou, Swissquote Bank

Head Tech Talent & Methodology Software Engineering Tech Drive & Talent


Edwige is an accomplished technologist deeply committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in STEM* (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). She holds a BSc in mathematics and an MSc in Computer Science from the University Lyon 1 (France), with a FinTech oriented educational background.

With years of experience in various roles, including mobile development and banking applications, Edwige has navigated through many technologies and business applications. Since joining Swissquote in 2012, she has contributed to technical stacks and software delivery across multiple domains and layers, from Banking operations to Trading Systems Management. Her unwavering dedication to excellence, best practices and innovative perspective earned her a promotion to Vice Director in 2022, where she now oversees Methodologies, Incubation and Tech Talent in Software Engineering.

Despite her many accomplishments, Edwige remains eager to learn from others. She is passionate about collaborating with her colleagues and providing unwavering support to new engineers through a comprehensive and 360° onboarding process. Edwige’s dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed. She is a sought-after speaker at conferences and meet-ups, where she tries to inspire the next generation of technologists by sharing the knowledge she has gained over the years. Her motto, “A single tree does not make a forest”, perfectly encapsulates her philosophy of always going above and beyond with others. Edwige is paving the way for a more diverse and inclusive industry through her work and mindset.

She is proof that anything is possible with hard work, dedication, and a commitment to excellence, regardless of one’s background.

All sessions by Edwige Fiaclou, Swissquote Bank